Title: Captured Genre: Angst-y, Crack-ish, Fluff-y, Friendship Pairing: Morimoto Ryutaro x FC Author: macymacymacy Rating: G to PG Beta: gwynfryd AN: -AU and OOC -Ryuu here is 18 years old. -Ryuu's POV -this is the final chapter
Title: Captured Genre: Angst-y, Crack-ish, Fluff-y, Friendship Pairing: Morimoto Ryutaro x FC Author: macymacymacy Rating: G to PG Beta by: gwynfryd AN: -AU and OOC -Ryuu here is 18 years old. -Ryuu's POV
Title: Captured Genre: Angst-y, Crack-ish, Fluff-y, Friendship Pairing: Morimoto Ryutaro x FC Author: macymacymacy Rating: G to PG Beta by: gwynfryd AN: -AU and OOC -Ryuu here is 18 years old. -Ryuu's POV
Title: Captured Genre: Angst-y, Crack-ish, Fluff-y, Friendship Pairing: Morimoto Ryutaro x Kumai Chizuko (for this chap) Author: macymacymacy Rating: G to PG Beta by: gwynfryd AN: -AU and OOC -Ryuu here is 18 years old. -Ryuu's POV
Title: Captured Genre: Angst-y, Crack-ish, Fluff-y, Friendship Pairing: Morimoto Ryutaro x FC Author: macymacymacy Rating: G to PG Beta by: gwynfryd AN: -AU and OOC -Ryuu here is 18 years old. -Ryuu's POV
Title: Captured Genre: Angst-y, Crack-ish, Fluff-y, Friendship Pairing: Morimoto Ryutaro x FC Author: macymacymacy Rating: G Beta by: gwynfryd (thanks couz ♥) AN: -AU and OOC -Ryuu here is 18 years old. -Ryuu's POV